Matthew Reff

(218)-251-0536 -



Competitive Programming - Kattis

Kattis is a competitive programming practice website, for which I've taken a particular liking. As of time of writing I am in the top 250 users out of many thousands. This respostory holds my solutions for problems, and I often come back to check what a previous thought process was. The problems are solved using C++ and Python and are helped along the way by shell scripts.



Processor Emulator

Class project for Computer Organization and Architecture(COA). Emulates assembly instruction input/execution for the 6502 processor. The emulator features a fairly intense suite of tests that check simulated runs against the same run saved from real hardware. The infrastructure attempts to immitate the hardware while still having the sugar of good software abstraction. The 6502 was used in a many early gaming consoles, and I plan on turning it into a full console emulator in the future.

VEXU Robotics

I am a programmer on SDSM&T's VEXU Robotics team. We've made it to at least the quarter-finals every year since I joined as a freshman. Robotics is one of the most interesting things I've done so far in my entire university education. You can't hope to do everything yourself, both due to time and due to your experience. The team needs multiple people with different skills to come together to create anything worthwhile in the time given.

VEXU Team Page



Locket Match Queries

Game stats application that pulls from official APIs, stores in a backing database, and displays the results in a web interface. Existing stats websites can give information about how a professional teams plays together, or on individual amateur player plays. This program would allow checking up on amateur teams in leagues like CSL and AD2L with the same detail that existing websites would give for professionals. This project uses Clojure for API calls and internal logic, with storage and retreival being done with SQL and a has web UI on top


Neural Network based agent for Slay the Spire, a game that I quite like but am not all that good at. Partially inspired by a natural computing course, the eventual goal is to get experience with game modding and well as standard Python neural network creation tools.



Competitive Programming - CodeForces

CodeForces is a competitive programming practice website, which I have used far less than Kattis. Their tightly time limited contest structure is different from what I'm used to, but I'm certainly trying to get better. The problems have a different feel from Kattis and usually have less fluff/context around the problem. As with Kattis, I mostly use C++ to solve problems with an occasional solution in Python.



Chronological Notes for Fantasy Calendars

Windows application meant to keep track of dates and unique time systems for tabletop games. This gave me a good chance to practice TDD and Azure CI. It uses C# for logic code and XAML/WPF for GUI. I've dropped this project currently, but I would like to revisit it later with more C# experience.

Webpage Practice

This webpage was created by hand using html and css.

Hosted on using CloudFront

Webpage Repo